Sunday, August 18, 2013

Baked Eggplant {Surpize}

I made dinner for family last night; grilled bbq chicken drumsticks, tater tots, and baked eggplant. When told the menu, each of them separately told me they didn't like eggplant. I encouraged them to try it before they made a decision.

                                                                         And then the eggplant was the first to go. 

So I thought I'd share the recipe with you guys {since its been slightly modified from anything I found online}. 


2lb eggplant (give or take) 
Sea Salt
3 eggs
1c flour
2c Panko flakes
Seasoning* {See below}
Olive Oil

Prepping the eggplant
                                        is crucial.

If you change anything, it can't be this part. 

Slice the eggplant in approx 1/4 inch slices.

Layer on a paper towel generously sprinkling salt between the layers {no worries, this will be rinsed off, don't be greasy with the salt}.

Place a paper towel on top of the layers and cover with another plate or item heavy enough to slightly squish the eggplant. The goal is to draw the moisture {and subsequently bitterness} out of the plant. Let this sit for at least 30 mins.

Then rinse the eggplant slices well and pat dry.

Prepping for cooking

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Using three bowls {or plates} fill one with flour, one with whisked eggs, and the third with panko and seasoning.

Cover the slices with flour, then egg, and finally panko mix. Place on a baking sheet in a single layer. Immediately prior to placing in the oven, drizzle with olive oil.

Bake for 30 mins {or until golden brown} flipping them once half way though.

Tip: For the third bowl, I used 1 tbl seasoning* to every 1 c panko. I suggest using a cup at a time because it tends to get clumpy once you put the egg covered pieces in it. When it's gotten to clumpy to use, add the additional Panko and seasoning.

*You can use just about any seasoning you'd like. We used a Herb & Salt mix from Village Garden we purchased at the South of the James Farmers Market. Old Bay would also work, or any of your favorite seasonings. Get creative.*

Seriously delish. I didn't like eggplant before either.
                                                                               Now I'm so glad we planted 5 eggplant plants. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

{Mommy} Time

"My child is my life"

It's a quote I've run upon a lot recently in my bedtime routine blog perusing. It's a quote that both rings true and confuses me. I've spoken these words myself, but now it's making me think.

     What's the real meaning of this quote?

          How should we be using it?

I also recently broke out the glitter and paints.

                                                                         And that's when it all come together.

My child IS my life, she's my everything. This doesn't have to mean I put my entire life on hold while I teach her to be amazing. In fact, how can I teach her to be amazing if I'm not?

Along with reading, writing, and arithmetic, I want my child to learn to be inquisitive and take chances; to be strong and independent, yet compassionate and giving; to know herself, her limits and to test them often; I want her to learn to be herself, and be proud of herself. These are not lessons she can read or hear and learn, these are lessons you can only learn through experience and observation.

"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them." 
                                                                 - James A Baldwin

I have learned {there she goes teaching her mom lessons again} that I have to continue to be me. And this is where my glitter and paints came in. I LOVE to craft, and I mean LOVE. I've been called Martha a time or two {minus the jail time}. And in the last few days, these small projects have been completed. {Sorry for the bad pictures}.

I need to continue these things to show Madison the woman she can be. The things she can do, and how to live a fulfilling life. I can't tell her that, I have to show her.

Does this mean that I'm going to start taking a girls night every month or more away time without her? No. Because quite frankly that was never me. It beyond frustrates me when people tell me I need more time away from her. I don't, I just need more time to do what makes my heart sing. And that's create.

With her, without her. Doesn't matter. I just need to remember to be me. So she can learn to be her.

What do you do to make sure your children see you being you?