Monday, February 18, 2013

Why Formula Is Better.

This parenting gig is hard. 

There I said it.

It's not hard in the ways I expected; the sleepless nights, baby proofing, trips to the grocery store baby in toe, those are actually the easy part. It's hard in ways I didn't even think of.

You make decisions every day, every hour, every second that effect someone else's life ... forever. Some are small decisions, The pink pants or the blue ones, some are much larger, formula or breast milk. You ponder over them, you research them, you make them. You go through some trail and error, you figure out what works best for your family, your child, your sanity. And then you hope the decision you made was the best one.

I make those decisions, just like every other mom {and dad} out there. And I too hope they are the best ones. Before I had kids making those decisions was easy, you did what the books said was best, right?

{P.S. Sorry to everyone I ever gave parenting advice to before I had my own child, I had NO idea what I was talking about.}

As many of you know, some of the decisions we've made in our family have not been the popular decision. Does that mean I judge you, or think less of you because you've made a different decision for your family? No. 

I have found that no matter what decision you make, some one has something to say about it. Weekly Daily I have people telling me the decisions I'm making are not the best.

"She shouldn't be in your bed, it will ruin your marriage."
          "You're still breast feeding her? You're going to make her clingy."
                    "You can't pick her up every time she cries, she'll be okay, it's good for her."
                              "She's too young for table food, she'll choke on that."
                                        "Don't you have a hat for that child?"

I recently got an ear full for posting this article, that basically states the way we've been taught to parent for centuries may not be the best.

Again, in no way was this meant to 'bash', as it was stated, anyone else's parenting decisions. We're all in the same boat, we're all making decisions every second, we're all hoping for the best.

So why do I share these articles that state 'breast is best' and 'crying it out' may not be good and 'baby wearing' is good for your child, and so forth. I post them to help support other parents that have made similar decisions and are also hearing about how they're not the right decision. I have never, and will never say your decision is wrong. I am simply trying to combat the voices that speak so loud telling me my decisions are wrong with a little validation.

I expect each of you to do the same.

If you choose formula, I expect that you've thought about it, made a informed decision with no intent to hurt your child, a decision that is best for your family and you are helping to support other mothers that choose formula as well. And if that is the decision you've made, I too support you, because it's the best decision for your family. Do I think my child is smarter or better than yours {well of course because what mother would I be if I didn't}, no, not at all. I too was a formula baby, and it would be quite hypocritical of me wouldn't it?

That goes for any decision you've made.

So why the over abundance of breast feeding propaganda? Because, quite frankly, breast feeding has not been easy for us. Many of you have received the crying hysterical phone calls as I was so cracked and bleeding that I cried with every latch, as Madison stopped gaining weight and the 'F' word was thrown about, and many people, believing they were being supportive, urged me to quit. I did not, I pushed through and today, 10 months later, breast feeding has been the most rewarding thing I have accomplished. I want others to know they too can do it too, if they choose.

There are no bad parents {okay maybe the one that stuck her kid in the microwave}, we're all learning and trying and making errors as we go. We all want the best for our children. And we all want to hear every now and then that we're doing it right. I'm simply doing my part to tell the mom's out there that have made similar decisions I have that we {might} be doing it right. I expect the same from each and every one of you!

One day eggs are good for you and the next they're not, and you either choose to eat them or don't based on what's best for you. Why are each of these parenting decisions any different?

So go forth, great parents, keep making decisions, and keep marveling over how our children seem to grow, learn, and become little people in spite of because of us.

You are ALL great parents! 

Now can we please stop taking things personally and move forward and teach our wonderful children that there are many decisions to be made in life, and their friends may choose the red ball and not the blue one, but that's okay, we can still be friends.

Because no post would be complete without a picture of the reason.

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