Thursday, February 7, 2013

Baby Led Weaning.

"She's never had any jar food?!"

Nope. Okay maybe a spoonful, but she wasn't a fan. Yes, Baby Led Weaning may be kind of a fad, but it has some real substance to it, don't leave just yet.

"When did you start her on pureed foods?" 
"Never, we went straight to table food, Baby Led Weaning." 
"You did what?"

That's usually how that conversation goes. So here's my explanation and how it worked for us in a nut shell.

Spaghetti. Yay!
First, the theory behind the fad. Breast milk (formula) should be a child's main source of nutrition for the first year, we can all agree on that. So this method allows the child to determine how much 'food' versus milk they take in in a single day.

So how does it work? Basically, you give the child {appropriate} table foods from the start. Her first taste of real food was avocado. Yes, it is messy, but it's fun!

Madison's first foods:

Sweet potato
Green Beans 

Daddy gave me an apple!
There are a few things you have to let go.

First, you have no control over how much they eat {kind of the point} and even now at ten months, there are days Madison barely eats a thing, but she makes up with breast milk, and I have to take a breath and remind myself that she knows what she needs. It took a month or two before she was really taking in a good meal, but now you can't stop her most days.

Second, they will gag. Know that there is a difference in gagging and choking. She occasionally puts too much food in her mouth and gags, {knock on wood} she has not choked, however. The idea is to give them french fry sized pieces. I was scared, I cut hers into pea sized bites, I regret that now. Now we're having to work on taking bites and not just shoving the whole thing in her mouth. Did I mention she has 8, yes eight, teeth, and has for months now. Please continue to avoid common choking hazards. {Allergens are whole 'nother story. Truth be told, I wasn't good about avoid them myself. Doesn't help that there's evidence that supports early introduction as well as evidence to support delayed introduction. Consult your doctor if you have questions.}

Third, just forget trying to use a plate or place mat for a while. Just use the table, it cleans. Deep breaths. I know.

I feel Madison has benefited greatly from this. Having to pick up her own foods, she developed her hand-eye coordination quickly, as well as fine motor skills. It has helped build independence and because she's so excited that there are few foods she won't eat. In addition, she learns to only eat until she's full, not until the plate is empty. And maybe the best perk, you get to eat at the same time! No one has to feed the baby.

I did get quite the push back from family and friends that felt she needed rice cereal and pureed foods, but now that they see how well she does, the criticism has left us behind.

A list of things Madison will eat now ... 

Beans of All Types

You get the point. 
In fact, the only things she won't eat are kidney beans and tomatoes. 

So go ahead, give them whatever you're eating. And no, this doesn't bread a generation of picky eaters and moms {dads} making two or three meals a night. In fact, if Madison doesn't like what we're eating, she doesn't eat. She may nurse instead or just go about her day. Some day's we're all more hungry than others, she won't starve if she doesn't eat lunch one day. 

So take a deep breath and let your child have fun. 
Meals should relaxing and fun, not stressful. 

{Useful tip} 
By a rice cooker or steamer of some sort. 
You can steam just about anything, and well steamed foods make a great start for those toothless mouths.

Helping clean up her mess.
{Yes an adult was in arms reach.}
What was your little one's first taste of food?

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